Award Winner & Official Selection Films of
"American Golden Picture International Film Festival"
1st year, 1st edition, July 2019
Best Feature Narrative Long Film
Best Directing
*Free Slave*
Directed by Mehmet Tanrisever (Turkey)
Best Documentary Long Film:
*John and the Pahlavan*
Directed by Ryan Blake (USA)
Best Fiction Short Film:
Dircted by Jasonpaul Edwards (USA)
Best Animated Short Film:
*This is Depression*
Directed by Denise Harison (United Kingdom)
Best Music Video:
*ACS France*
Directed by ACS France Company (France)
Best Cinematography
Best Editing
Mersad Herovic
For the Feature Narrative Long film *Bozkir Look At The Birds*
Best Screenplay
Best Supporting Actress
Directed by: Peter Renzollo
Best Composer:
Jonathan Galland
For the Documentary Long Film *Exploring The Pacific Nothwest*
"Official Selection" Films of the American Golden Picture IFF
1st year, 1st edition, July 2019
1- "Exploring the Pacific Northwest", Feature Documentary (USA)
2- "Free Slave", Feature Narrative (Turkey)
3- "Maybeline Molly and Me", Fiction Short film (USA)
4- "Anticipation", Feature Narrative (Australia)
5- "Thief", Fiction Short film (USA)
6- "ACS France", Music Video (France)
7- "Catchpenny Ritz", Music Video (USA)
8- "This is Depression", Short Film (United Kingdom)
9- "Needham Schiffer", Fiction Short film ( Australia)
10- "Malign", Fiction Short film (USA)
11- "Bozkir Look at the Birds", Feature Narrativa (Turkey)
12- "Monkeyfication", Fiction Short film (USA)
13- "Kiss me Malibu", Music Video (Spain)
14- "John and the Pahlavan", Documentary Long (USA)