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As a filmmaker, please introduce yourself.
Hey everyone! I’m Greg Pricoli, a New York City native. Constantly on the road writing and coming up with some absurd idea for a film or script.
I graduated as a Cinema Studies and Screenwriting Major from Suny Purchase and was recently accepted into
Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles. When not in the States I’m visiting my family in Bari, Italy.
All I strive to do is give you a momentary break from the routine. If I leave you with more than that’s the best success out of anything.
Why you became a filmmaker as director?
See that’s a long one that I’ll try to sum up. I guess it started with writing, which started in grade school.
That all started when my teacher had us close our eyes and think up and create a story. Mine wound up being read
in front of the entire school… Little nerve racking but I don’t know, I kept writing from there. So I think it was a part of my love
for writing and my love for the cinema that sort of took shape together. My dad bought me my first camera camcorder in Highschool and
I sort of never put it down. I loved being able to tell visual stories and it's honestly always fun. Stressful sometimes on set but always fun.

Give some more information about yourself and the films you have made so far, about your experience?
Well I’m always writing. Always picking and choosing which script I can ideally make at the time as some budgets are way higher than some others.
51: After the Raid would be my longest short. Recently I also made a Silent, Black and White Quarantine film due to stir craziness.
La Voyage del la Mort. Which was quite fun and something I’ve never done. I guess really I’m someone who always is
seeking to try something new in film. I want to always be out of my comfort zone or “comfort genre”.
What are the films or people that had impacts on you and deeply inspired you to become a filmmaker?
It's hard to say just one film that's really impacted me. I’m a cinema studies graduate, I love and appreciate them all.
I was brought up on Italian Neorealist films which probably has impacted my choice in actors and settings. In terms of people,
my aunt Fran and my grandfather would be the two people who really kept me on this path.
My grandfather and I still meet or call to argue over our opinions on old film classics.
While my aunt has always been there as my number one fan and telling me to never stop telling stories.
Directors I’d say that really I’ve learned the most from would be Robert Altman. The range in genres he’d film in.
His methods and honestly how fulfilling he found cinema and life through it even with a flop.

You have made
"51: After the Raid"
which was Officially Selected in the
"American Golden Picture International Film Festival".
As a filmmaker, why you decided to make it?
Well first of all I’m honored to have been selected! Second, I’m technically a millennial even though I hate the term. As a millennial
I’m addicted to memes. You know, the words with the pictures underneath? Well it's a play on the meme culture, the current political atmosphere and really society. We’re living in 2020 which in my opinion is some sort of dark comedy for many reasons.
"51: After the Raid" is a satire on America itself. I don’t want to get too much into the politics of it, you’ll see that yourself.
I’m just here to give you a laugh.
What were some of the challenges you faced
in making this film?
I’d say the budget. Which there was none. It was me wanting
to bring to life an idea and working hard at all three jobs before
covid and then the no jobs during. I really couldn’t have done it
without my fantastic cinematographer Daniel Naman or my editor Ben. Both of these guys helped me so much. Working with them in person, skype calls and the like was a lot especially during covid
but well worth it.
For you what was the biggest lesson
you had to learn after making this film?
Hire a consistent sound guy. And a consistent alien.
What keeps you inspired to continue filmmaking?
My desire to tell stories. I can’t exactly turn it off.
The only difference between my neighbor and I is he decided to
pursue medicine and become a doctor. I on the other hand to I’m sure my parents dismay was I continued to pursue creating stories.
The most important part is distributing the film. What did you do for distributing your film ?
As of right now I’ve just been entering festivals. I mean I’d love for more people to be able to see the hard work of my cast and crew though. Whatever comes along we’re working it out.

What are your filmmaking goals?
My goal is to someday be a showrunner for my very own television shows. Writing, directing and producing.
Of course another goal is to make side projects both long and short.
What is your next project?
This weekend I’m teaming up with some of my old crew and some new, to enter a 48 hour film challenge which will be very interesting.
I also am in pre production for a very different type of sci-fi short.
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