As a filmmaker, please introduce yourself.
Hello my name is Adar Wadislavski and I'm trying to be a writer/director/actor. .
Why you became a filmmaker as director and producer?
My first goal was to be an actor, ever since little Adar saw the mask with Jim Carrey i knew i had to do it. then i grew up and realized I can actually write the crazy stuff going on in my ADHD brain and make the movie myself instead of waiting for someone else to call.
Give some more information about yourself and the films you have made so far,
about your experience?
My second love is music, i play guitar and drums with an intense passion for progressive rock, i also collect Pokémon cards.
so far i have 1 short film out which is part 1 of a trilogy of short films id like to make next year and I've written a tv show with 4 seasons and 2 features waiting for production.
most of the work i have on YouTube are music videos for my singer/songwriter wife Michal Karni, after i learned how to edit for this movie we decided to buy a camera instead of hiring and we do it pretty much whenever we want, its awesome :)
What are the films or people that had impacts on you and deeply inspired you
to become a filmmaker?
The movie that inspires me the most is Evil Dead 2. Its just so damn crazy and original and awesome in every way. the second one is The Rocky Horror Picture Show, same feeling+ best music ever.
You have made your film "What The Hell?" which got official selection in the
"American Golden Picture International Film Festival".
As a filmmaker, why you decided to make it?
when i decided i wanted to become a filmmaker it was an amazing feeling, but! how the hell do i get there? after a long process i decided to make a film on my own budget with donations from my parents and grandma and most of the crew were friends from university so they were happy to help for very low fee and some even for free. in which i direct,write,produce,act lead role and even edit the thing so the film is like "here is what i can do, job please?"

What were some of the challenges you faced in making this film?
haha where do i begin? crew members quitting a few days before 1st day, rent bad equipment, rain. editor had mental breakdown so i had to learn how to edit myself, do i forget something? oh yeah. War. but we got through it all cause i had an amazing team!
Let us more about your experience in this film?
that was quite a ride. i was all excited about filming this movie since i have 2 personal heroes in it, my favorite musician band Ayreon, which is dutch musician Arjen Anthony Lucassen. he is know to be very nice to his fans so i reached out to him if i can use his wonderful music in my movie and he very excitedly agreed and just like that my movie was upgraded ten times then before. the second hero of mine is the voice actor in the movie Eli Gorenstein. 90's Israeli kids know that voice very well since he played many Disney villains in Hebrew such as Jaffar and scar.
The Crew member of your film supports the story in a very effective way.
What was it like to work with them?
it was an amazing experience, most of the crew were friends from university and even the lead actress Shira Minkin is a friend from acting class. i was so amazed and appreciative of the incredibly hard work they did to help me make my dream come to life,3 days from 4 PM till 6 AM. they were truly remarkable.
For you what was the biggest lesson you had to learn after making this film?
That I can actually do it, and there is no greater feeling for me.

What keeps you inspired to continue filmmaking?
its just so damn fun! also i have many many stories that i think could help people feel better about themselves that i would like to put out.
The most important part is distributing the film. What did you do for distributing your feature film "What The Hell"?
not much really, im waiting for the festival tour to end and then im planning on sending it to some producers to make a feature film or a tv show im working on.
What are your filmmaking goals?
My goal is to tell sad but funny stories to people who have been in a bad place and need a to know it could end awesomely.
What is your next project?
to make what the hell 2 and 3 and hopefully after that i would get a major studio to produce an epic biopic about my wife, singer Michal Karni which is the most incredible story about the human endurance and love( you can listen to her lyrics for spoilers haha).
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