Award Winner & Official Selection Films of
"American Golden Picture International Film Festival"
1st year, 4th edition, October 2019
Best Feature Narrative Long Film
Best Supporting Actress - Honorable Mention
Best Supporting Actor - Honorable Mention
*The Other Half*
Directed by Lalith Rathnayake (Sri Lanka)
Best Fiction Short film
*Ruby Baby*
Directed by Lee Mcqueen
Best Fiction Short Film - Honorable Mention
Best Cinematography - Honorable Mention
*Watercolor Girl*
Directed by Siamak Kashefazar
Best Documentary Long Film
*Stolen Babies of Spain*
Directed by Greg Rabidoux
Best Trailer
*Into the Void*
Directed by Jordan Cantello
Best Director
Best Cinematographer
Best Composer
Best Lead Actress
Directed by Octavio Revol Molina
Best Lead Actress - Honorable Mention
*Aaradi (Six Feet)*
Directed by Santhosh Kumar
Best Lead Actor
*Project Primal*
Directed by Luke J Watson
Best Screenplay
*The Donbass children*
Directed by Lyubomir Dankov
Best First Time Filmmaker
*It Rains for You*
Directed by Mehdi Delkhasteh
Best Editing
Directed by Manish Vatssalya
Best Editing - Honorable Mention
*Time Crisis*
Directed by David Zhang
Best Music Video
Best Animated Short
* Six day Back*
Directed by Scott Cierski
Best Poster
Directed by Zeff Lawless
Best Poster - Honorable Mention
*The Last Heroes*
Directed by Roberto D' Antona
"Official Selection" Films of the "American Golden Picture IFF"
1st year, 4th edition, October 2019
1- "Aaradi (Six Feet), Narrative Feature Film (India)
Directed by: Santhosh Kumar
2- "Six Day Back", Music Video (USA)
Directed by: Scott Cierski
3- "Watercolor girl", Fiction Short Film (Iran)
Directed by: Siamak Kashefazar
4- "From a Barren State", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Priyam Sadhukhan
Directed by: Lyubomir Donkov
6- "B1 - The Awakening", Trailer (USA)
Directed by: Thomas I Parrish V
7- "Grimorio", Narrative Feature Film (Argentina)
Directed by: Octavio Revol Molina
8- "The Human Condition", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: BalaSantosh Majji
9- "It Rains for You", Fiction Short Film (Iran)
Directed by: Mehdi Delkhasteh
10- "The Timepiece", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Karan Choudhary
11- "In The Mud", Fiction Short Film (China)
Directed by: Zhe Yeh
12- "Exolatry", Trailer (USA)
Directed by: Mike Kureth
13- "ETHER", Fiction Short Film (Ireland)
Directed by: Zeff Lawless
14- "Whiteboard Challenge", Trailer (USA)
Directed by: Mike Kureth
15- "Powerhouse Guitars...", Music Video (Canada)
Directed by: Gerry Manus
16- "Time Crisis", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: David Zhang
17- "Scotland", Narrative Feature Film (India, United Kingdom)
Directed by: Manish Vatssalya
18- "Six Day Back", Animated Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Scott Cierski
19- "Stolen Babies of Spain...", Documentary Long Film (Spain)
Directed by: Greg Rabidoux
20- "Digging Into The Nacoochee Burial Mound", Documentary Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Brady Brandwood
21- "Almost Home" and 22- "Hear Hear" Fiction Short Film (Ireland)
Directed by: Emmet O'Brien
23- "Project Primal", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Luke J Watson
24- "Into The Void", Trailer (Canada)
Directed by: Jordan Cantello
25- "The Other Half", Narrative Feature Film (Sri Lanka)
Directed by: Lalith Rathnayake
26- "Sea Legs", Music Video (Canada)
Directed by: Ben Meakin
27- "The Last Hero", Narrative Feature Film (Italy)
Directed by: Roberto D' Antona
28- "The Best Actor", Fiction Short Film (India)
Directed by: Magaraja Somayaji
29- "Getting a Scholarship", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Gary O. Bennt
30- "Ruby Baby", Fiction Short Film (United Kingdom)
Directed by: Lee Mcqueen
31- "The Absence of You", Fiction Short Film (USA)
Directed by: Gary O. Bennt
32- "Time to say Goodbye", Music Video (Canada)
Directed by: John Airey