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Award Winning Films of the

"American Golden Picture International Film Festival",

5th year, 1st edition, July 2023

Best Feature Narrative Long,

Best Supporting Actor,

*Kanne Kalaimaane*

Directed by: Seenu Ramasamy (India) 

Best Feature Narrative Long, Honorable Mention

Best Director, Honorable Mention

Best Sound, Honorable Mention

*Bablir Bornoporichoye*

Directed by: Samid Gupta (India)

Best Fiction Short,

Best Lead Actor, Honorable Mention

Best Supporting Actor, Honorable Mention


Directed by: Kyle Cyr (USA)

Best Fiction Short, Honorable Mention

Best Screenplay, Honorable Mention

Best Cinematography, Honorable Mention

Best Editing, Honorable Mention

Best Poster, Honorable Mention

*Leave Em In Stitches*

Directed by: Dakota Serro (USA)

Best Documentary Short,

*Alice In Covidland*

Directed by: Sharen Camille (USA)

Best Director,

Best Screenwriter,

Best Lead Actress,

Best Composer, Honorable Mention

Best Trailer, Honorable Mention

*The Way Woman Are*

Directed by: Adam Tuliński (Poland)

Best Cinematography,

Best Editing,

Best Sound,

*In The Backseat*

Directed by: Harry Waldman (USA)

Best Lead Actress, Honorable Mention


Directed by: Ashley Rae Harper (USA)

Best Lead Actor,

*Whatever It Takes*

Directed by: Ferrenbach Samy (USA)

Best First Time Filmmaker,

*Gila Island*

Directed by: Manu Gopala Krishanan (India)


Best First Time Filmmaker, Honorable Mention

*Tin Gods*

Directed by: Q Edwards (USA)

Best Student Film,

*Season 21*

Directed by: Tamar Schwarz, Noy Emilia Efrati (Israel)

"Official Selection" Films of the

"American Golden Picture International Film Festival",

5th year, 1st edition, July 2023

1-  "Face to Face", Feature Narrative Long

Directed by: Robert Peters (Nigeria)

2- "Leave Em In Stitches", Fiction Short

Directed by: Dakota Serro (USA)

3- "The Rising Sun", Feature Narrative Long

Directed by: Bakia T. Thomas (Nigeria)

4- "Red", Fiction Short

Directed by: Ashley Rae Harper (USA)

5- "The Way Woman Are", Fiction Short

Directed by: Adam TuliÅ„ski (Poland)

6- "Late Sleeper", Fiction Short

Directed by: Peter Morris Hardy (USA)

7- "Bablir Bornoporichoye, Feature Narrative Long

Directed by: Samid Gupta (India)

 8- "In The Backseat", Fiction Short

Directed by: Harry Waldman (USA)

9- "Season 21", Fiction Short

Directed by: Tamar Schwarz, Noy Emilia Efrati (Israel)

10- "Morendo", Fiction Short

Directed by: Kyle Cyr (USA)

11- "The Boy and The Beast", Trailer

Directed by: Kristina Schippling (Germany)

12- "Alice In Covidland", Documentary Short 

Directed by: Sharen Camille (USA)

13- "Gila Island", Feature Narraive Long

Directed by: Manu Gopala Krishanan (India)

14- "Tin Gods", Fiction Short

Directed by: Q Edwards (USA)

15- "The End Of The World", Fiction Short

Directed by: Constantinos Dimitrakopoulos (Greece)

16- "Spotless", Fiction Short

Directed by: Lana Schreier (USA)

17- "Kanne Kalaimaane", Feature Narrative Long

Directed by: Seenu Ramasamy (India) 

18- "The To-Don't List", Fiction Short

Directed by: David Porras (USA)

19- "Mad Scientists", Fiction Short

Directed by: Antonia Tong (USA)

20- "Let Her Sing", Documentary

Directed by: Siamak Dehghanpour (USA)

21- "Frighten", Feature Narrative Long

Directed by: Emba Shakoor (USA)

22- "Shooting Your Own Shadow", Fiction Short

Directed by: Joseph J. Parisi & Michael Amman (USA)

23- "Whatever It Takes", Fiction Short

Directed by: Ferrenbach Samy (USA)

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